Volunteers are the lifeblood of Willing Warriors!
We have been honored to have so many grateful and dedicated people in the surrounding communities that give of their time and talents. If you are interested in volunteering where you can experience the results of your efforts first hand, we have many opportunities available.

“Nothing is impossible to a Willing Heart”
~ John Heywood
For more information about volunteering or getting involved with Willing Warriors, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator at volunteer@willingwarriors.org.
Fundraising: As a nonprofit organization, fundraising is critical to our organization. Join one of our active teams or create a fundraising team of your own! There are many groups, big and small, who can fundraise on behalf of Willing Warriors. If you are energetic and have contacts with schools, civic, spiritual, sport, or any group/individual that may be interested in supporting our mission here at Willing Warriors, we need your help!
Special Events: WW is asking for your help in assisting with fundraisers, activities, and events we have throughout the year, both at the Warrior Retreat and other locations around the local community. Support one or several fabulous events like our Annual Vettes for Vets Auto Show, Warrior Bike Ride, and Willing Warriors Gala. This is a fun way to get involved, and meet our volunteer teams and many of the Warriors we serve.
Beautification/Service Days: Please consider coming out and helping us maintain the Warrior Retreat homes as well as grounds and gardens. We want our Warrior Retreat to shine for our deserving families. Service/Beautification Days are held one Saturday a month from April through November. We typically work from 9am-noon. Specific dates and times will be posted on the website as well as our Facebook page with a link to SignUp Genius. All ages are welcome. You can sign up as an individual or a group. Volunteering for a Beautification/Service day is one of the easiest ways to get involved with Willing Warriors and be a part of a group that cares about the military community.